WPML UGRAs presented their research in EOH, ISUR and IURS

Undergraduate students of the WPM lab presented their research across various university-wide platforms this Spring.

Madison Yang working with Changgong Kim performed a demonstration of how ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation technique is used in industry to detects cracks. This outreach was part of the Engineering Open House (EOH) 2021 exhibit. Check Madison’s demonstration video here.

Nick O’Brien working with Betsy Smith presented his work on “Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) of an additively manufactured metal material” at the Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research (ISUR 2021).

Songyuan Cui working with Ganesh Patil presented his research on “Nonlinear Wave Mixing in Phononic Materials with Periodic Rough Contacts” at the Illinois Undergraduate Research Symposium (IURS 2021)


Congratulations to Madison, Nick, and Songyuan. WPML lab is proud of its UGRA’s hard work and their contribution to the lab’s research.