Current Work
Architected metamaterials are materials that obtain their properties not from the parent (bulk) materials but from tailored geometry and material composition. These materials can manipulate and control stress wave propagation in novel ways compared to traditional materials. Here we are studying the relationship between the geometry of architected materials and the resulting mechanical and dynamic properties.
In our group, we focus on designing, modeling, and testing 3D printed architected materials that can manipulate wave propagation. Prior work showed that metastructures that combine different lattice geometries with embedded steel cubes can obtain low-frequency broadband vibration suppression [Matlack et al., PNAS. 2016]. Using finite element simulations, we investigated how changing the lattice geometry significantly shifted the dynamic response while maintaining constant total mass. Specifically, large shifts in the band gap frequencies, i.e. frequency regions where waves cannot propagate, were observed with changes in the lattice geometry. While these materials support band gaps, static properties of materials are also important in engineering components. So, we introduced multi-functional performance parameters to study the competing effects between static properties and vibration mitigation [Arretche and Matlack, Front. Mater. 2018]. To fabricate these multi-material metastructures, we develop fabrication processes based on additive manufacturing techniques [Arretche and Matlack, J. Appl. Mech. 2019]. Through experimental testing, we validated the numerical models and obtained further insight into attenuation mechanisms, robustness, and new methods to measure band gaps. Our studies allow us to further understand the link between geometry, mechanical response, and wave propagation. We are currently extending these studies to study Bloch waves in non-Cartesian reference frames, such as in radially-periodic structures or generally for non-plane wave sources [Arretche and Matlack, Phy. Rev. B. 2020]
Journal Publications:
Arretche, I. and Matlack K.H., Effective phononic crystals for non-Cartesian elastic wave propagation. Physical Review B, vol. 102, 134308 (2020).
Arretche, I. and Matlack, K.H., 2020, “Effective Phononic Crystals for Non-Cartesian Elastic Wave Propagation.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02886.
Arretche, I., and Matlack, K. H., 2019, “Experimental Testing of Vibration Mitigation in 3D-Printed Architected Metastructures,” J. Appl. Mech., 86(11).
Arretche, I., and Matlack, K. H., 2018, “On the Interrelationship Between Static and Vibration Mitigation Properties of Architected Metastructures,” Front. Mater., 5, p. 68.
Matlack, K. H., Bauhofer, A., Krödel, S., Palermo, A., and Daraio, C., 2016, “Composite 3D-Printed Metastructures for Low-Frequency and Broadband Vibration Absorption,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 113(30), pp. 8386–8390.
Conference Presentations:
I. Arretche*, and K.H. Matlack. Manipulating vibration response of 3D printed metastructures through lattice topology: simulation and experimental validation. 16th Pan-American Conference of Applied Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 19-23th May 2019.
I. Arretche, G. Patil, K.H. Matlack*, Effects of geometry and mass distribution in 3D printed metastructures for vibration mitigation. 177th ASA Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, 13-17th May 2019
I. Arretche *, and K.H. Matlack. Geometric Influences on Static and Dynamic Properties of 3-D Printed Architected Metastructures. 18th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, Illinois, 4-9th June 2018
I. Arretche *, and K.H. Matlack. On multi-functionality of 3-D printed architected metastructures: from interrelation of static and dynamic properties to structural applications. The Midwest Mechanics of Materials and Structures Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, Aug 9 2018
K.H. Matlack*, A. Kissling, A. Palermo, C. Daraio, “Auxetic elastic meta-structures for vibration mitigation,” SES 53rd Annual Technical Meeting, Hyattsville, Maryland, October 2-5, 2016.
K.H. Matlack*, A. Palermo, S. Krödel, A. Bauhofer, C. Daraio, “Controlling band gaps with geometry in composite elastic meta-structures,” ICTAM, Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016.
K.H. Matlack*, C. Daraio, “Mode engineering in 3D-printed elastic meta-structures,” 2015 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, MA, Nov 29-Dec 4, 2015.
K.H. Matlack*, S. Krödel, A. Bauhofer, C. Daraio, “Advanced structured composites as novel phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials,” SEM 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Costa Mesa, CA, June 8-11, 2015.
K.H. Matlack*, C. Daraio, “Geometry Effects in Locally Resonant Acoustic Meta-structures,” Phononics 2015: 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling, Paris, France, May 31 – June 5, 2015.